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October 23, 2023

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From our Editor

What you’re about to see.

2594 Days Left

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I still suffer from the long term effects of double mindedness.

In other words, for too long, I’ve said things I didn’t mean & done things I didn’t want to do because I let in the wrong characters... which hurts because even though they helped me through pain,

the truth is, maybe, they also keep us from Truth that hurts to hear because we need to hear it.

Some will call them “spirits, dieties, or even angels & demons...”

All of them, in some way, pay homage to characters from the stories that brought us here!

So what is truer to me is: “focusing on the wrong characters” when I should have been comparing them to “The Character of characters,” with a curious heart, not scornful...

Which explains the name of our show, “Jesus Chicken.”

I figured I could play Jesus Chicken & not be affected.

But here I am, proclaiming my faith in Jesus Christ...

but I find, it is not the way most see Him.

Which is why, maybe I have been a living question:

a Christian without a pastor yet a Journalist seeking Truth.

Since time has been centered on Christ for 2000+ years, I could’ve been curious but instead I was influenced to question existence with a scornful spirit, as if His Name & Story didn’t unite mankind against the evils that lurk within mankinds communities. The ones that perpetuate the abuse, slavery, & trafficking that keep our parents awake at night & our kids unnecessarily anxious.

So what you’re about to see?

A video diary newscast building inflation proof communities centered on eternally profitable doctrine.

Keep up with Charlie’s Journey & ask him anything Mon-Fri 8pm PST on Instagram.

Check in with Rick Mon-Fri 8 in the morning PST if you’re friends with him on Facebook!

Re-Posted with Special News Segments Everyday on our MetaXCast!

-Reflection Age Rick of Facebook


This statement is approved by Rick, Charlie, & Alfie:

Lead Stewards of





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Search by day on our Facebook & Locals Pages to join the conversation with friends!

Why Daily Letters?

2595 Days Left

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...Honestly, I figured that the world changed when Martin Luther nailed a letter to a church door...

Maybe one of my letters can make it easy for us to be neighborly again

if I nail enough of them on the public spaces of the internet.


-Reflection Age Rick of Facebook


This statement is approved by Rick, Charlie, & Alfie:

Lead Stewards of





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Our first 3 Letters.

Keep Up & chat with friends!

On Rumors of War...

2609 Days Left before Thanksgiving 2030.

3 years into “hindsight 2020...”

After 3 decades with the power of the internet...

One decade of it recorded on social media!

Can you believe “acts of terror” are still part of humanity's “communication” toolkit?

How many centuries has the world lived with the 10 Commandments?

How many years has history been united on THE Redemption Story:

The Son who’s birth gave our universe a permanent movement against

slavery, abuse, & trafficking AND united us in time?

Yet... Terror is still a worry our siblings have to contend with?

Siblings that live under the same sun, moon, & stars as us?

Due to unfortunate events reflecting a part of our race that should have the attention it deserves, @WPFRadio will launch tomorrow rather than on Thanksgiving.

It's “Our Race,” because it's just us. The Human Race.

Race toward what?

Normalizing terror?

More war?

Thank God for light in this situation, here in the age of reflection:

Because with the information we’ve gathered,

we know the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom & terror is the tool of devils!

Devils that affect us all & the reason even family turn on each other.

Which is why we pray the protection of the innocent &

enough time to find what is right,

every night.

Our mission is saving news that’ll be important now & decades from now,

and our job is following The Truth, no matter where it leads.

We will do what we can, with what we have, where we are RIGHT NOW.

Because, more than anything else, we are proud to be American.

To those who can see: we have worked hard to put The Truth in everything we do.

To anyone who still thinks we’re trolling, you're missing the good news in our messaging.

This statement is approved by Rick, Charlie, & Alfie:

Lead Stewards of

Why now? Why not?

2608 Days Left

We pressed “Go” last Saturday & forgot to re-write the script for our daily show.

Its ok! Because we always find content we’ll use later!

Thank goodness for this lesson: All creative work isn’t meaningless because

the content you made can be used for other projects down the road!

Like a mechanic keeping spare parts for a job later on.

If anything, @WPFRadio will be proof of this truth because...

we actually pressed “Go” on this show 3 years ago.

Many elements were removed, yes,

but you cannot put a price on experience gained to create those elements!

And then, if you’re lucky...

what remains will reveal the true reason behind your risky undertaking..

Today showed weak points to work on.

BUT from it, came our “Public Square” webpage for...

“Daily Notes from our Editor”

Like a REAL News Station!

Jus like the newspapers & magazines mom & dad’d read!

Essentially, a daily message to our audience that tows the line of our main theme:

Follow The Truth no matter where it leads... even if it looks ugly.

The ugly truth today?

War isn’t something to comment on. It’s something to prevent & stop.

If anything, it shows failure in meeting basic needs and

leadership with inaccurate troubleshooting.

Solution? Time & resources for finetuning...

And I’m pretty sure even the Taliban had a Twitter page right?

The point we’re making here is...

Rumors of war? In a time we’re all connected to a library greater than Alexander’s,

with technology unfathomable to the greatest inventors in their time?

3 decades with the power of the internet...

Still the same human world problems?

Lets hope we fix things in time before we’re too accustomed to declarations of war & sharing how we feel about it vs doing something about it for the sake of the children of our children.

To Future People,


This statement is approved by Rick, Charlie, & Alfie:

Lead Stewards of





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I am convinced that life starts at 33.

Everything before that are only clues to where your road ends up.

Which is why I structured my life according to “inevitabilities.”

Meaning, “even without the internet, I know this body is going to grow old...

So I’ll go to church till I’m 25... but be 100% after 35!”

I was 16 when I thought of this because I was trying to comprehend why God would give me a church going father that would smoke & drink while telling me to avoid the cool kids that did!

Without saying much, I’ll say his reasoning wasn’t sufficient.

So to compromise, I'd attend till 25 to avoid “Madonna Road.”

See, only at church would you have a conversation discussing the path between Madonna vs Dolly Parton, saying: we are a temple because things we do shares words you don’t have to say.

This ugly reality of decisions & consequences in time is why I feel life starts at 33.

Because life really starts treating you according to what is expected of your age.

But before life grants you senior status,

maybe you’ll feel blessed that you lived longer than Jesus, who supposedly died at 33...

who’s time before that was spent was building the reputation of His ministry.

35 is gettin' close! And if I believe we’re snared by the words of our mouth...

Then that means I’ll need to be a 100% member of a church soon.

So... I’m hoping...

with this platform...

I found a loop hole.

Because actually,

I’m hoping our message is good enough help us afford a crew to produce our dream series:

Attending & showcasing churches around the world!

Thank you & God bless you.


This statement is approved by Rick, Charlie, & Alfie:

Lead Stewards of





Life starts at 33”

2607 Days Left

Always & forever on

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The Eden Road


a fun conversation or inconvenient truth?

Imagine a road that needed us to catalog the world

before & after we redistributed our oceans

to address global warming...

The Eden Road


a fun conversation or inconvenient truth?

Imagine a road that needed us to catalog the world

before & after we redistributed our oceans

to address global warming...

with fun people? :)

with inconvenient people...

School Blackboard Sketch

We’d OBVIOUSLY need to catalog EVERYTHING first...

THEN we’ll have enough knowledge to build


and maybe NOT irreversibly destroy

our ecosystem in the process...

We’d OBVIOUSLY need to catalog EVERYTHING first...

THEN we’ll have enough knowledge to build


and maybe NOT irreversibly destroy

our ecosystem in the process...

Join our Locals Page & support small business

for ONLY $3/mo!!!

Remember: We need the right people to build

an inflation proof community :)

Join our Locals Page & support small business

for ONLY $3/mo!!!

Remember: We need the right people to build

an inflation proof community :)


Some might see as a

“supercharged Facebook group” and its true.

The more it grows, the more features it gets!

BUT its reputation for a social business media model

is why we chose Locals instead of Facebook.

With them, you own your data!

No incentive for algorithms to track your actions.

So if you like our mission, vision, & ministry...

Why not be one of the first members?

Imagine that, achieving your dreams & goals



Some might see as a

“supercharged Facebook group” and its true.

The more it grows, the more features it gets!

BUT its reputation for a social business media model

is why we chose Locals instead of Facebook.

With them, you own your data!

No incentive for algorithms to track your actions.

So if you like our mission, vision, & ministry...

Why not be one of the first members?

Imagine that, achieving your dreams & goals


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Our “Man on the Street” Segments

in-between our Daily Programs is how

we promote businesses on our Locals Page.

We can blur & mask your voice if necessary,

But why would you if these are the questions???

Our “Man on the Street” Segments

in-between our Daily Programs is how

we promote businesses on our Locals Page.

We can blur & mask your voice if necessary,

But why would you if these are the questions???

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Our Plans


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Have advice or an answer or ideas for our

“Man of Peace: on the Streets”


Message us on any of

these platforms or email:

Have advice or an answer or ideas for our

“Man of Peace: on the Streets”


Message us on any of

these platforms or email:

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How do we share our

members promotions?

How do we share our

members promotions?

Our Mission First


Our Mission First


God > Mission > Vision > Creed.

We hope you love us for this.

If anything else, our reasoning is declared in our creed.

God > Mission > Vision > Creed.

We hope you love us for this.

If anything else, our reasoning is declared in our creed.

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Metacast when your audience is the platform Thank YOU for sharing Good News





The worlds first

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Our Plans


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