The Eden Road


a fun conversation or inconvenient truth?

Imagine a road that needed us to catalog the world

before & after we redistributed our oceans

to address global warming...

The Eden Road


a fun conversation or inconvenient truth?

Imagine a road that needed us to catalog the world

before & after we redistributed our oceans

to address global warming...

with fun people?

with inconvenient people...

School Blackboard Sketch

We’d OBVIOUSLY need to catalog EVERYTHING first...

THEN we’ll have enough knowledge to build


and maybe NOT irreversibly destroy

our ecosystem in the process...


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Well get through this together!

Well get through this together!



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We’re building a culture of competence

through our worldwide project:

a road around the world! built in a way

its construction leaves good weather in its wake!

our goal:

An ecosystem that provides so much meat, fish, AND avocados that our meat, fish, and vegans can’t possibly complain.

We’re building a culture of competence

through our worldwide project:

a road around the world! built in a way

its construction leaves good weather in its wake!

our goal:

An ecosystem that provides so much meat, fish, AND avocados that our meat, fish, and vegans can’t possibly complain.

Bonus: Build a competent culture.

We can’t fear AI if it knows its building for competent humans... So what better way to prove it with a unburdened & confident society! We’d need to build a competent culture first right?

Participate in worldwide project for longevity vs war.

Step One: Normalize the concept of machine learning cities.

Step Two: Guide data collection toward a design for Eden Road that prevents further catastrophe.

Last Step: Use collected data to begin construction on Eden Road.

Endgame: Witness Providence bring a future of kids respectful their elders & adults keeping it that way.

Stop the never ending debates over the sins of our fathers.

Its the past. We only have one planet. So lets plan together better.

Imagine... An abundance of meat, fish, AND Avocados...

Everyone can practice their beliefs better if we knew we’d always have a planet that can sustain a never ending supply of these three things. So we will normalize movies where humans fixed earth to the point it could concentrate on building space travel experiences...

Bonus: Build a competent culture.

We can’t fear AI if it knows its building for competent humans... So what better way to prove it with a unburdened & confident society! We’d need to build a competent culture first right?

Participate in worldwide project for longevity vs war.

Step One: Normalize the concept of machine learning cities.

Step Two: Guide data collection toward a design for Eden Road that prevents further catastrophe.

Last Step: Use collected data to begin construction on Eden Road.

Endgame: Witness Providence bring a future of kids respectful their elders & adults keeping it that way.

Stop the never ending debates over the sins of our fathers.

Its the past. We only have one planet. So lets plan together better.

Imagine... An abundance of meat, fish, AND Avocados...

Everyone can practice their beliefs better if we knew we’d always have a planet that can sustain a never ending supply of these three things. So we will normalize movies where humans fixed earth to the point it could concentrate on building space travel experiences...

Imagine building an actual Jurassic Land,

using technology in our dreams now, armed to knowledge to travel far & fast enough

to create your own solar system to do so!

Imagine all the technology have now because of the people that thought of them!

Don’t you think its fair to ask for a universe where “homework”

was only making our imaginations come true with folks that matter most to you?

Let us know with your parents on!

Where for $3/mo,

they can send the news we can cover on our channel

so that our Commerce Community has something to focus its fixing power on!

Seriously... go get your parents.

What are you doing on the internet without them?

This is NOT what @WPFRadio is about young man... or lady... or... children of special characters!

...SOMETIMES @WPFRadio covers everything,

all special populations that need their their attentions affirmed.

Imagine building an actual Jurassic Land,

using technology in our dreams now, armed to knowledge to travel far & fast enough

to create your own solar system to do so!

Imagine all the technology have now because of the people that thought of them!

Don’t you think its fair to ask for a universe where “homework”

was only making our imaginations come true with folks that matter most to you?

Let us know with your parents on!

Where for $3/mo,

they can send the news we can cover on our channel

so that our Commerce Community has something to focus its fixing power on!

Seriously... go get your parents.

What are you doing on the internet without them?

This is NOT what @WPFRadio is about young man... or lady... or... children of special characters!

...SOMETIMES @WPFRadio covers everything,

all special populations that need their their attentions affirmed.

Chat closed by Rick Rizal, Lead Steward of @WPFRadio.

Reason: 4th Wall Broken by disrupt-a-Karen.

Continue on

*Where independent discussions & content lives on.

Eden Road

If AI can only learn from what it sees...

Then lets be a predictable, self-sustaining humanity!

Eden Road

If AI can only learn from what it sees...

Then lets be a predictable, self-sustaining humanity!

For Kids:

*after mom & dads approval.

Politely, Would you kindly please find them before you read further?

For Kids:

*after mom & dads approval.

Politely, Would you kindly please find them before you read further?

They’re interesting, what can we say! - Charlie

They sure make great TV - Alfie

...BOYS! Don’t get smart...The God you serve says they’ve existed too. - Rick

What are you guys talking about??? - RandomKidM1133

Best you don’t know kid. - Alfie

You might go broke if you do... - Charlie

You mean the kids with the parents? - RandomKid42


You JUST SAID this was the platform! :) - Charlie

You said: “Our jobs as journalists is to follow The Truth no matter where it leads...” - Alfie

Its why you chose writing you said... - Charlie


What ARE you guys talking about? - Kid333

Everyone OFF THIS CHAT. NOW. - Rick

Instead of throwing out the baby with the bath water,

why don’t you keep it up as a easter eggy promotion for

#1: it shows your willingness to look dumb on the way to understanding.

#2: it shows the care we employ with EVERY discussion! - Gloria

Gloria... you came out of no where to save the day.

Thank all goodness for special characters like you. - Rick

What do you mean special characters??? - Karen

They’re interesting, what can we say! - Charlie

They sure make great TV - Alfie

...BOYS! Don’t get smart...The God you serve says they’ve existed too. - Rick

What are you guys talking about??? - RandomKidM1133

Best you don’t know kid. - Alfie

You might go broke if you do... - Charlie

You mean the kids with the parents? - RandomKid42


You JUST SAID this was the platform! :) - Charlie

You said: “Our jobs as journalists is to follow The Truth no matter where it leads...” - Alfie

Its why you chose writing you said... - Charlie


What ARE you guys talking about? - Kid333

Everyone OFF THIS CHAT. NOW. - Rick

Instead of throwing out the baby with the bath water,

why don’t you keep it up as a easter eggy promotion for

#1: it shows your willingness to look dumb on the way to understanding.

#2: it shows the care we employ with EVERY discussion! - Gloria

Gloria... you came out of no where to save the day.

Thank all goodness for special characters like you. - Rick

What do you mean special characters??? - Karen

4th Wall....


Book Club Program

Are you an author?

Can you help people in the topics below?

Let’s work together!

Monday - Marriage & Family

Tuesday - Teen Support

Wednesday - Wealthy & Wise Words

Thursday - Therapy for Thirties

Friday - For Men, Women, & Families

Saturday - Self Helping

Sunday - Spiritual Helping

Can we interview you & offer your paperbacks as a bonus

for donating $20 or more to our radio ministry?

BONUS! YOU KEEP THE $20 & the rest goes toward

keeping WPFRadio’s lights on and

The Eden Road Project?


Book Club Program

Are you an author?

Can you help people in the topics below?

Let’s work together!

Monday - Marriage & Family

Tuesday - Teen Support

Wednesday - Wealthy & Wise Words

Thursday - Therapy for Thirties

Friday - For Men, Women, & Families

Saturday - Self Helping

Sunday - Spiritual Helping

Can we interview you & offer your paperbacks as a bonus

for donating $20 or more to our radio ministry?

BONUS! YOU KEEP THE $20 & the rest goes toward

keeping WPFRadio’s lights on and

The Eden Road Project?





The worlds first

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