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Street Team Questions

Any advice for Gen Z’s kids & THEIR children?

What the last advice you remember that changed your life forever?

Can you name 1-10 books that changed your life?

Describe your best customer service experience. Where & why it was important?

Which restaurant serves your favorite dish the way you like it & why?

If you can invite anyone for dinner, living or dead, who would it be & why?

If time & money wasn’t a problem... where/who would you be right now?

What kind of person do you think you’d be if a trillion was in your bank account?

If you had a trillion in the bank, which world problem would you fix & how?

What is the biggest worry you have about the future that you think we can fix NOW?

How does religion fit into your life?

Why is religion a difficult topic to talk about? Should it? How so?





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